UT HIV group


E-HIV board meeting 4. November 2015


Several topics were covered- the current state of HIV database, pros and cons of the database, the importance of analyses based on the data and drug dispensing module parameters were discussed. 

HIV/AIDS surveillance meeting


Irja Lutsar, Kai Zilmer and Heli Rajasaar will participate in HIV/AIDS surveillance meeting held at Ministry of Social Affairs.

Project “Estonias’ participation in Global Virus Network (GVN)”


“Estonias’ participation in Global Virus Network (GVN)” project focused on scientific international relations and lasted two years finishing on the 31 August 2015. Several members of the HIV research group were involved in the project.

The project enabled networking and exchange of ideas among Estonian virologists; create and strengthen collaborations among virologist in the Baltics and enable Estonian virologists to join GVN Scandinavia. Virologist from Ukraine were invited to participate in international scientific collaborations as well. Two conferences were held (2014, 2015) involving virologists from Scandinavia-Baltic-Ukraine region and in which most of Estonian participants gave presentations. Funding from the program supported the development of viral databases and biobanks e.g. E-HIV database development, as well as expanding the sample collection based at the National Institute for Health Development and creating Estonian plant virus collection at Tallinn University of Technology. The project has enabled to increase collaboration among Estonian and international scientists/laboratories, giving the opportunity to increase scientific contribution towards investigating viruses of global importance. Several scientific articles have been published.

Project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund.  

“Course on psychological aspects of HIV/STIs, counselling, medical ethics and confidentiality and Prevention and Treatment of tropical infections in Mali and Central African Republic’’ seminar


On the 10th of May 2015 members of the HIV group attended a seminar organised by DHAPP (Department of Defence HIV/AIDS Prevention Program) in Tartu.

Seminar schedule  


TerVE program


30th of June 2015 marked the finish of Estonian HIV database development program which lasted for two years and was financed by the European Regional Development Fund. As a result it is possible to link the database with different registers which quickens data entry and reduces factors associated with human error. Additionally, June marked the completion of Biobank- and Resistancemodule. Database development was carried out by OÜ Quretec.

During the two year project- data was entered by doctors of infectious diseases who work with HIV postitive patients, data was used to publish several scientific articles, people working with the database participated in several seminars, and biomaterial was collected for the biobank. 

Science conference E-HIV 10 in Tallinn, 28th of May 2015


In April 2015 it will be 10 years since the University of Tartu’s Department of Microbiology carried out its first experiments with the HI-virus. This marked the beginning of HI-virus research in the Department of Microbiology. As a celebration of our 10 years of research we held a science conference “E-HIV 10” for scientists, physicians, and government officials who affect the progress of patient’s care and life quality.

Conference schedule 

90 people attended the conference.


Conference was supported by:


University of Tartu

GlaxoSmithKline Estonia

Jannsen-Cilag Polska Sp.z.o.o. Estonian branch office

Abbvie Pharmaceuticals GmbH Estonian branch office






HNK Analüüsitehnika

HIV Cascade analysis course in Zagreb 


Merit Pauskar and Heli Rajasaar attended a Cascade analysis training course organised by WHO in Zagreb, Croatia 29th June – 3rd July 2015. As a result, Estonian HIV cascade was completed for patients diagnosed with HIV in 2013.

Workshop was supported by DHAPP project.